The national memorial complex of Heroes of Heavenly Hundreds - the Museum of the Revolution of Dignity and the architectural bureau "Kleihues + Kleihues Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH" - the winner of the contest announce the search for the general designer for the museum building.
In accordance with Article 20 of the Law of Ukraine "On Architectural Activities", foreigners and stateless persons who do not have the appropriate qualification certificate on the territory of Ukraine can perform design work only on the basis of contracts with business entities licensed to perform certain types of economic construction activities, or with specialists who have a qualification certificate.
For the development of design estimates for the construction of the Museum of the Revolution of Dignity, an "open call" for the candidature of a general designer has been announced in accordance with the RFQ procedure - the qualification request.
Requirements for candidates
• experience in implementing the general designer function
• experience of financing budget
• required capacities: qualified specialists, material and technical base, time for implementation of the project
• experience of realized objects in cities (public, residential apartment buildings, etc.)
• Availability to work in English
It will be a plus if the candidate has experience owith fireign projects.
To participate in the selection you need:
1) company portfolio (album);
2) the experience of executing contracts with budget financing (list in arbitrary form);
3) availability of qualified specialists and material and technical base (list in arbitrary form);
4) details of the company, the name of the founders, the name of the director;
5) contact person (with knowledge of English) and her phone, e-mail.
The materials should be submitted in pdf format to an e-mail: competition.maidan@gmail.com until July 29 inclusive.
More information about the competition and the project can be found here:
Customer site design and construction
Architectural Competition Site
The page of the contest in the FB
The exhibition of projects in the category "Museum of the Revolution of Dignity" (both stages) is available on the ground floor of the Architectural House until August 13, 2018.