The youngest artist Georgy Potopalsky and the "SVITER art-group" formation became the winners of the creative competition for the award of the name of Sergey Nigoyan. They got the funds for the implementation of the art installation.
The announcement of the results of the competition took place in the form of an unauthorized rally on Independence Square in Kyiv. For the implementation of the project, the winners received 25 000 UAH.
"These funds come from three sources supported by the Great Idea platform, the International Renaissance Foundation, and the money collected by our community organization among the families of the Heroes of Heavenly Hundreds and other benefactors," said Volodymyr Bondarchuk, the chairman of the NGO "Family of Heroes of Heavenly Hundreds".
The winner of this year's competition will have the right to present their project of multimedia installation in the framework of events devoted to honoring the Heroes of Ukraine in November 2018. After, the art object will be transferred to the National Museum of the Revolution of Dignity, which is planned to be opened in Kyiv.
"The installation we are trying to implement is a media object of three components: sculptures, light, and sound. The main element is the light pipes in which the lighting is carried out and the audio content is interlaced, thus creating a single system for generating sound and light", - Georgy Potopalsky explained.
According to the idea of the organizers, the award of the name of Sergei Nigoyan is intended to support young Ukrainian artists, who, like Sergei, in work see the basic principles for the development of modern Ukraine and seek to find the latest forms and concepts of art.
"One of the tasks of the Institute of National Memory and the Museum of the Revolution of Dignity, which is being created, is to remind of events on the Maidan. This reminder will help us move forward in order to understand that we are in control of those who were standing next to us here on the Maidan. Hope we will not disappoint them. We must remember for what ideas we went out to the Maidan, "said the head of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory Volodymyr Vyatrovich.
The competition was initiated by the NGO "Family of Heroes of Heavenly Hundreds" in memory of Sergei Nigoyan. Students and graduates of higher educational institutions and media artists from Ukraine and Ukrainian diaspora under the age of 35 were invited to participate in the competition. The applications for participation in the competition began on June 15 this year and ended on July 15. Within a month, 11 applications were received by the organizing committee. The competition was held for the first time and will become annual.
Serhiy Nihoyan - Armenian, born in Ukraine, one of the first Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred. Serhiy's life ended on January 22, 2014 - he was shot by security officers from firearms during clashes on the Mikhail Hrushevsky Str. This happened around six am - at a time when there was a truce between the protesters and the "Berkut" forces.
Serhiy dreamed of an acting career and even planned to make his dream work after the Maidan. Unfortunately, he never got a chance to accomplish his dreams.